ICE CREAM !!!! =)
hmmmm, maybe I should have found a bigger ice cream picture.....
Anyway this post isnt about the ice cream.....this post marks the end point of 12 days of exams(excluding weekends) =D
*background applause*
Omg ntg to do during the hols.....and 50 days after the hols is trials....
omg omg omg omg omg ogmogmo go mgom gomgomom like no mood for the hols lar......
My bike and my dad's bike both got probs so cant ride anytime soon....Choral Fes dis Sat-Wed...
so dats like alomost 1/3 of the hols gone....
Got dat cycling thingy in Kiara the week after for 3 days so dat makes a total of about 1/2 the hols gone....
I was so super looking forward to watching a movie today or at least one of the days til Friday.....
But everyone is so stuck up busy and lazy and busy even though exams are over....
We were planning 2 do smtg 2 day but Ed and some other guy got tuition i think....so cancelled.....
Most of us have tuition tomorrow so its a big no no for tomorrow....Alex going fishing tml(no seriously, no hidden msg behind this phrase, literally going fishing with a fishing rod, in a fishing boat, with fishing bait, to catch fishing fish) but dats not the main reason why I think its lame....Its cuz he's going wif SHAwn ....... For those of u who dunno, Shawn Hoong is a Super-big-fat-pain-in-the-ass that for some reason he's come to tolerate....So this bond he's developing with the big-fat-bla bla bla is just gay....If u sudy chemistry u would know covalent and ionic bonds n their characteristics, (simplified version : its stuff that stuff can do because God made it so) the main propeties of this bond are :
1. High gaying point
2.Low toleration point
3. Obvious size different in size of molecules (L and XXXL)
4. Atomic radius of particles are in the ratio 1 : 13409283728758943599283(very big number)
5. Bigger particle highly soluble in pizza-coke-potato chips-burgers-hot dogs-mentos-chocolate soltution....
If most of u didnt know, and i'm sure u dont, Shawn suffers from a disease. This life threatening(to others around him) disease is known as :
Anyways....Most of us have tuitions on Friday so again a big no no for Friday...
Argh gotta wait til the hols itself....
Anyways, I know this post doesnt have any pics but i've done ntg but study for the past few weeks so unless u think exam papers make great pictures den i've got ntg interesting to post up.....
Will think of smtg interesting 2 post soon......*yawn*......
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