Monday, November 17, 2008

Prefect Camp 08

LOL ermmmm , here are some pictures form the recent prefect camp.....weeee....
OK , we'll start with a picture of Ashween looking gay with a lizard or something on his shirt,
we were at this reptile zoo or something and the tour guide chuchked this thing on him =D

This is a picture of Tze Quan(or at least of her boobs anyway) with a scorpion on it, same thing , we were at the reptile zoo...

De Ming with a butterfly on his head =D

Aiman's turn.....

Weeeee......caught a butterfly !!

From left , Beatrice, Rushan, Aiman, De Ming, Dhaneesh, Ashween, Meeee....
Front, Syafaf and Syamirah...
Saw this sign at a restaurant....yah too bored at the time....

Some of us after the 'Amazing Race'

Team Da'Geng....

Team '!' (exclamation mark..)

LOL Suman and his 30 minutes late mee goreng....also the last guy to finish eating =D

At the tea plantation...
From left, Jit Heang, Arvind, Me, Billy, Ashween, Aziem, De Ming, Nee Chung, Suman...

Erm Ashween sleeping.....

At the rest stop....*camera behind lar kawan2*

Puddles can be so fun !!

This was our ride....we each took turn to site in the passenger seat but most of the time we were on the top of the fuel tank, budjet....

Lol, Arvind geram sial =D

Arvind and his Sivaji-walk.....

Ermmm, us trying to solve some clue...

And thats it !! Photos arent in lazy to arrange them...forgot which came 1st too =D
Had a great time , hope next year will be better !!

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